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NEET-Inaktivitätsindikator (Not in Education, Employment or Training) Indikator für jugendliche ökonomische Inaktivität
ニート(就業、就学、職業訓練のいずれもしていない若者; 勉強する気も働く気もない若者)   nīto (shūgyō, shūgaku, shokugyō kunren no izure mo shite inai wakamono; benkyō suru ki mo hataraku ki mo nai wakamono)
NEET inactivity indicator (Not in Education, Employment or Training); indicator for youth economic inactivity


Indikator für die - ökonomische - Inaktivität von Jugendlichen. In Japan soll es laut Schätzungen rund 680.000 Jugendliche (Stand 2005) geben, die weder arbeiten noch lernen (wollen).


NEET individuals are those who are not studying, either through formal education or training, or employed. There are many different reasons for a person becoming NEET and people remain NEET for different lengths of time. As of June 2003, the level of people nationally who are NEET has remained at around 10 per cent. Connexions, the government's support service for all young people aged 13 to 19 in England, is trying to reduce this figure. Source: Connexions Self-Assessment Schedule 2003/2004. Updated: January 2005.


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