ジェンダー主流化 ジェンダー・メインストリーミング jendā shuryūka; jendā meinsutorīmingu
gender mainstreaming
Gender Mainstreaming


「ジェンダー主流化(gender mainstreaming)」は、内容的には1990年代初頭にILOのdecent work で現れていたが、 用語法自身としては1995年の第4回世界女性会議(以下、北京会議)で採択された北京行動綱領にはじめて明記された。「ジェンダー主流化」とは目標ではなく、男女平等(gender equality)への手段である。

Definition of Gender Mainstreaming: The concept of bringing gender issues into the mainstream of society was clearly established as a global strategy for promoting gender equality in the Platform for Action adopted at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing (China) in 1995. It highlighted the necessity to ensure that gender equality is a primary goal in all area(s) of social and economic development. In July 1997, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) defined the concept of gender mainstreaming as follows: "Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in any area and at all levels. It is a strategy for making the concerns and experiences of women as well as of men an integral part of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres, so that women and men benefit equally, and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal of mainstreaming is to achieve gender equality." Mainstreaming includes gender-specific activities and affirmative action, whenever women or men are in a particularly disadvantageous position. Gender-specific interventions can target women exclusively, men and women together, or only men, to enable them to participate in and benefit equally from development efforts. These are necessary temporary measures designed to combat the direct and indirect consequences of past discrimination. Transformation by Mainstreaming: Mainstreaming is not about adding a "woman's component" or even a "gender equality component" into an existing activity. It goes beyond increasing women's participation; it means bringing the experience, knowledge, and interests of women and men to bear on the development agenda. It may entail identifying the need for changes in that agenda. It may require changes in goals, strategies, and actions so that both women and men can influence, participate in, and benefit from development processes. The goal of mainstreaming gender equality is thus the transformation of unequal social and institutional structures into equal and just structures for both men and women. Basic Principles of Mainstreaming : Responsibility for implementing the mainstreaming strategy is system-wide, and rests at the highest levels within agencies, according to Carolyn Hannan, Director of the UN Division for the Advancement of Women. Other principles include:
• Adequate accountability mechanisms for monitoring progress need to be established.
• The initial identification of issues and problems across all area(s) of activity should be such that gender differences and disparities can be diagnosed.
• Assumptions that issues or problems are neutral from a gender-equality perspective should never be made.
• Gender analysis should always be carried out.
• Clear political will and allocation of adequate resources for mainstreaming, including additional financial and human resources if necessary, are important for translation of the concept into practice.
• Gender mainstreaming requires that efforts be made to broaden women's equitable participation at all levels of decision-making.
• Mainstreaming does not replace the need for targeted, women-specific policies and programmes, and positive legislation; nor does it do away with the need for gender units or focal points.

Gender Mainstreaming bedeutet, bei allen gesellschaftlichen Vorhaben die unterschiedlichen Lebenssituationen und Interessen von Frauen und Männern von vornherein und regelmäßig zu berücksichtigen, da es keine geschlechtsneutrale Wirklichkeit gibt. Gender kommt aus dem Englischen und bezeichnet die gesellschaftlich, sozial und kulturell geprägten Geschlechtsrollen von Frauen und Männern. Diese sind - anders als das biologische Geschlecht - erlernt und damit auch veränderbar. Mainstreaming (englisch für "Hauptstrom") bedeutet, dass eine bestimmte inhaltliche Vorgabe, die bisher nicht das Handeln bestimmt hat, nun zum zentralen Bestandteil bei allen Entscheidungen und Prozessen gemacht wird. Gender Mainstreaming ist damit ein Auftrag an die Spitze einer Verwaltung, einer Organisation, eines Unternehmens und an alle Beschäftigten, die unterschiedlichen Interessen und Lebenssituationen von Frauen und Männern in der Struktur, in der Gestaltung von Prozessen und Arbeitsabläufen, in den Ergebnissen und Produkten, in der Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und in der Steuerung (Controlling) von vornherein zu berücksichtigen, um das Ziel der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern effektiv verwirklichen zu können.


Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Fukushima Daigaku, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
International Labour Organization

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