continuity theory of ageing
継続性理論   keizokusei riron
Kontinuitätstheorie des Alterns


(...) A third theory of aging which has been viewed with much favor in recent years is called "continuity theory" (Atchley, 1972). This theory proposes that the people who age most successfully are those who carry forward the habits, preferences, lifestyles and relationships from midlife into late life. This theory has gained considerable support from the results of major longitudinal research studies which have shown that variables measured in midlife are strong predictors of outcomes in later life, and that many psychological and social characteristics are stable across the lifespan. For most people, late life does not represent a radical break with the past; changes often occur gradually and sometimes imperceptibly. Most people ride over or navigate around the bumps and potholes of later life using well-practiced coping skills acquired earlier in life. (...) (Lucille B. Bearon 1996, in: The Forum For Family & Consumer Issues, Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 1996)
A more formal elaboration of activity theory; uses a life course perspective to define normal aging and to distinguish it from pathological aging. (Jill Quadagno, Florida State University)

Die Begründer der Kontinuitäts-Theorie postulieren die These, daß Personen ,,im mittleren und höheren Erwachsenenalter im Prozeß der Anpassung an das Altern versuchen, bestehende innere und äußere Strukturen zu bewahren". Dies geschieht durch die ,,Anwendung vertrauter Strategien an vertrauten Schauplätzen des Lebens" Strukturen, Beziehungen und Ereignisse, also innere und äußere Kontinuität, müssen (von alten Menschen) als kontinuierlich wahrgenommen werden, ,,indem sie der eigenen Identität als zugehörig erlebt werden" (Lehr 1991: 62; vgl. auch Levenson & Aldwin 1994: 47, Zitat: The biggest development in gerontology,or aging research,has been the recognition that the aging process is not simply senescence –most people over the age of 65 are not senile, bedridden, isolated, or suicidal.").


Aging and The Life Course: An Introduction to Social Gerontology, 2/e, Jill Quadagno, Florida State University
Successful Aging: What does the "good life" look like? Concepts in Gerontology by Lucille B. Bearon, Ph.D., NC State University, The Forum For Family & Consumer Issues, Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 1996

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